Off the West Coast
Deep-laden with saltpetre, the 4-masted barque Padua heads south for Cape Horn.
The Last Rounding
The 4-masted barque Pamir rounds Cape Horn on 11 July 1949.
Pamir and Passat
Pt Victoria 1949
The 4-masted barque Pamir commences her last voyage as an engineless ship.
Leaving Iquique
The 4-masted barque Peking puts to sea with 60000 bags of sodium nitrate in her belly.
Eastwards, Ever Eastwards
Penang as she was prior to 1933, returning to Europe by way of Cape Horn.
Towards Spencer Gulf
Pommern heads north from the Great Australian Bight into Spencer Gulf.
Stretching a New Topsail
Preussen, the pride of the Laeisz fleet was, the only 5-masted full-rigged ship ever built.
Five Days and Fourteen Hours
Priwall achieves the fastest ever east to west rounding of Cape Horn by a commercial sailing ship (1938).